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31 Days of Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage

Join us this month as we celebrate AAPI Heritage month with 31 days of daily posts from The Mountain TopUU‘s Steering Committee.

Starting from 1990, the month of May celebrates the culture, legacy, and resiliency of the Asians, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and native Hawaiians in the United States. We would like to highlight the history, struggles, and achievements of the AAPI Community.

As Unitarian Universalists, we cherish the diversity that enriches our communities. At TheMountainTopUU, we are committed to embracing diversity, fostering understanding, and celebrating the vibrant cultures and contributions of the AAPI community. Join us in honoring Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month!

Throughout May, we will come together to learn, uplift, and support our AAPI siblings with daily reflections, stories of oppression, and celebrations of achievements. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world, amplify AAPI voices, and work towards a more inclusive world. Let’s deepen our understanding, foster inclusivity, and stand together in solidarity. Together, we can create a world where everyone’s story is valued and celebrated.

Day 4. (Social Media) US Acts & Court Rulings Pertaining to Asian Immigrants.

Day 4. US Acts & Court Rulings Pertaining to Asian Immigrants. We are grateful to Christine Y for providing this list and descriptions. We encourage you to "google" each or…

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Day 3. Facts You May Not Know About Hawai’i.

1. Native Hawaiians are a race of people. 2. Hawaiians almost became extinct. 3. Hawai'i was an independent and sovereign nation. 4. Hawaiians quickly became literate after western contact. 5.…

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Day 2. Ground Breaking Contributions by Asian Americans.

Did you know that Asian Americans make significant contributions to Atomic Science, Farm Worker's Rights, Civil Rights, Ethnic Minority Psychology, Universal Serial Bus (USB Drives), YouTube, Functional Cure for HIV-Positive…

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Day 1. Asian / Pacific American Heritage Month from The Library of Congress.

Today, we will begin with some general resources from The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service,…

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