Welcome to The Mountain Top
Sunday Celebrations
We meet to Celebrate and Gather with other UUs of color.
Cultivating Empathy: The Foundation of Justice
The Mountain Top UU offers a space for people to practice Unitarian Universalism that centers our voices and perspectives as BIPoC.
At a time when Unitarian Universalist congregations are falling short in providing radical welcome and dismantling white supremacy culture, The Mountain Top UU is the only continually evolving online & multi-platform community funded by UUs for Racial Justice (UURJ) for people of color along with their families who are exploring, reclaiming, reconciling, and celebrating their identities in a UU context to experience wholeness and belonging, built on deep relationships of trust, providing sanctuary and community connection with opportunities for spiritual practice, and community leadership.
We are a Unitarian Universalist organization of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPoC) and mixed race/multiracial individuals. We meet to worship and enjoy fellowship with other UUs of color.
Many religions feature stories about encountering the Divine on the mountain. To be in a place like that is a profound and inspiring experience. Looking out in any direction brings a view of the land sweeping out for miles on end. It offers a new and transformative perspective on the world around us.
The Mountain Top UU was founded in 2020 by UU religious professionals in the Colorado Front Range community. We set out to create a safe and empowering space for UU BIPoC individuals and families in the region. It quickly became clear, however, that the need for this space had a much wider geographic reach than we could have ever imagined.
Community members represent regions throughout the entire United States, as well as Canada and the United Kingdom. The Mountain Top UU also honors the religious professionals of the Colorado UUs United for Racial Justice, where the first conversations about creating a new space for UUs of color began, and whose financial support made this community possible as Covenanting Communities.
We meet via ZOOM for celebration & fellowship on the 2nd & 4th Sunday evenings as a BIPoC only community and on the 3rd Sunday evening as a full community of BIPoC and White siblings.