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June 11 youth worship!

This worship is open to ALL middle and high school youth.   Calling all UU youth! You’re invited to the Mountain Top/CO UUs for Racial Justice/UU Justice Ministry of California’s June youth worship! This month, we finish up our five senses theme with smell! What does our youth space smell like? What is your favorite smell, and what memories are […]

May 14 youth worship!

This worship is open to ALL middle and high school youth.   Calling all UU youth! You’re invited to the Mountain Top/UURJ/UUJMCA’s May youth worship! We are heading for the home stretch with our five senses theme – what do you want this, your youth space, to look, sound, taste, feel, and smell like? In April, we explored taste – […]

April 9 youth worship!

This worship is open to ALL middle and high school youth.   Calling all UU youth! You’re invited to the Mountain Top/UURJ/UUJMCA’s April youth worship! The theme for the next several months will be the five senses. In March, we explored the sense of sight and the power of art to define our youth space, and we made our own […]

March 12 youth worship!

This worship is open to ALL middle and high school youth.   Calling all UU youth! You’re invited to the Mountain Top/UURJ/UUJMCA’s March youth worship! The theme for the next several months will be the five senses. In February, we explored the power of sound on our spirits and emotions, and we started our own TMT/UURJ playlist! This month, we’re […]

February 12 youth worship!

February 12 youth worship!

This worship is open to ALL middle and high school youth. You’re invited to the Mountain Top, Colorado UUs for Racial Justice, and UU Justice Ministry of California’s February youth worship!  The theme for the next several months will be the five senses, and we’re kicking this theme off with sound.  What are the sounds that mean community to you?  Which […]

January 15 youth worship!

January 15 youth worship!

This worship is open to ALL youth. Come worship with us and join us as we talk about comfort and community:  we’ll play games in order to get to know one another, and we’ll talk about what it means to feel at home in this new space.  Feel free to wear your comfiest jammies to this event!   The Mountain […]

December Youth Worship

The Mountain Top: A BIPOC UU Community, Colorado UUs for Racial Justice and UU Justice Ministry of California are starting monthly online youth (middle and high school) worship, and December 11th will be our kickoff event!