Celebrate the Light Returning and the Winter Solstice
We will explore the yule and all the festivities that accompany it, music, laying of the greens, feasting, setting intentions for the new year, etc. Please come prepared to share a wish or two and embrace the light returning outside and letting it reignite your inner light.
Join us every 3rd Sunday of the month for a “Full Community Celebration” with SepulvedaUU and UUs for Racial Justice. After the Service. We will be hosting an extended checkin and discussion space with breakout rooms for BIPOC and White Siblings.
Sign our guestbook to stay informed.
We always have an extended check-in and everyone will have the opportunity to share what is important in our lives with the community because we believe our lives and experiences as BIPOC folks are sacred texts followed by a discussion.
We have been meeting since August 2020, and we hold space to be together on the Second and Fourth Sundays of each month.
Sometimes we have a large crowd and sometimes just a few folks, but we are committed to always holding this space for anyone who may wish to join us.
We hope to see you soon!
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